“I’ve been working on the “Dropout Dilemma” and will probably finish it up tomorrow. Just want to say that I’ve enjoyed becoming acquainted with your viewpoints in “Understanding Hispanic Students” and the “Dropout Dilemma.” … it is refreshing to hear someone in education speak the truth without fear of offending the politically correct. Your observations and recommendations for improving education are spot-on. I can tell you have spent some time in the real-life classroom environment. Thanks for everything”
- 3 Credits -

3 Semester Credits
PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases)
- accredited nationwide
- start any time
- up to 5 months to complete
- independent study
- all course materials included with course tuition
- view FAQ
Course Description
This course will examine the statistical, educational, and social issues associated with the school dropout dilemma. Statistical analyses of dropout rates and demographics will be presented. Statistical correlations between economic cycles and dropouts rates and social class relationships are analyzed. This course will focus on educator perspectives and experiences regarding these issues. Causes and reasons why students drop out of school will be examined and categorized. Teacher dropout interventions and prevention strategies will be examined. Alternative schools, dropout programs and social adjustments that address the dropout dilemma will also be presented.

3 Semester Graduate Credits

Dropout Dilemma
- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives
- Students will have a working knowledge of the statistical magnitude and the social demographic characteristics related to the dropout issue at national, state and local levels.
- Educators read and review publishes articles on the dropout problem and view movie segments that examine dropout issues and the corresponding social issues.
- Students will learn to categorize and label the causes associated with dropping out of school into the various areas of social responsibility and authority.
- Participants will analyze the social and psychological dynamics involving family systems and the numerous issues that cause students to drop out of school.
- Teachers will develop dropout interventions, solutions and prevention strategies that can reduce the likelihood of students dropping out of school.
Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)
Course Instructor
Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.
Grade Type
University Transcript: Click Here For Details
Dropout Dilemma
What Others Are Saying About This Course
David H. – TN –
David H. – TN –
“Once again, I really enjoyed the course and got a lot out of it. Thanks.”
David H. – TN –
“Really enjoyed the course and got a lot out of it. Thanks so much!”
TLC Testimonials