“Thank you so very much for your time and consideration. It has been a real pleasure—and, of course, learning experience—taking these classes, and I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to take them. “
- 3 Credits -

3 Semester Credits
PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases)
- accredited nationwide
- start any time
- up to 5 months to complete
- independent study
- all course materials included with course tuition
- view FAQ
Course Description
This course teaches neurologically-based approaches to instruction, using recent research to support and develop improved teaching strategies. Teachers will examine the latest research concerning how the brain constantly searches for meaning and seeks patterns and connections. Educators will view a Video that reveals how the sectors of the brain function together in the learning process, which will lead to the development of neurologically-based curriculum. Teachers will write a culminating essay or develop lessons or activities for the classroom to demonstrate their knowledge of using recent research to help students retain and apply information.
Teacher feedback about this course

3 Semester Graduate Credits

Teaching With The Brain In Mind
- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives
- Educators will learn about and develop a working knowledge of the latest brain research and learning theory. They will also acquire a basic understanding of the brain's physiology, size, content, lobe areas and basic brain operations.
- Educators taking this course will understand how humans actually learn and remember new information. Teachers will learn how to use the brain's learning systems for memory retention, storage and the retrieval of knowledge.
- Educators will learn about the brain's high and low attention cycles. They will examine the special education issues of ADD, LD and ADHD and the classroom implications.
- Educators will explore how the brain’s natural reward process affects the attitudes of the students and learn techniques for developing intrinsic motivation.
- Educators will develop a final application essay; activities or lesson plans that help teachers improve attention and create a more effective educational environment.
Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)
Course Instructor
Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.
Grade Type
University Transcript: Click Here For Details
Teaching With The Brain In Mind
What Others Are Saying About This Course
Elisabeth W. – VA –
Laurie R. – CO –
“Thank you! I sure appreciate your program – it is great for a single, busy mother/teacher like me!“
Jillian H. – WI –
“Thank you! I learned a great deal that is applicable to my future teaching.”
Billie S. – MI –
“Thank you so much Joseph! I truly appreciate how quickly you evaluated the work! Have a wonderful spring and summer!.”
TLC Testimonials