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Category Archives for Leadership & Influences in Education

Preparing for Teacher Evaluations

- 2 Credits - 

2 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course assists educators in preparing for teacher evaluations in this era of increasing accountability. The four basic teaching styles: Knowing, Caring, Inventing, and Inspirational Teachers are explained. Respecting the unique gifts and styles that each teacher brings to the classroom is essential for objective evaluations. Educators will test themselves and learn about the positive or limits of each of the teaching styles. Teachers will study their districts Teacher Evaluation Policy Manual to prepare for their upcoming evaluation. They will develop an action plan utilizing the book content and evaluation manual to improve their instructional deliver and teaching methodology.


2 Semester Graduate Credits

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Evaluating Teachers

- 2 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will review the standard "Clinical Supervision" models historically developed by most school districts and how they are utilized in teacher evaluations.
  2. Teachers will test themselves and explore their preferred teaching style and then evaluate how they must also incorporate other teaching styles into their classroom.
  3. Educators will be presented with the characteristics of the Knowing, Inventing, Caring, and Inspiring teacher for a broader understanding of other teaching styles. Educators will learn about the characteristics of generational poverty and how the patters of behavior, problems and world views are passed to future generations.
  4. Supervising educators will examine their own preferences in light of objectivity when evaluating other teaching styles in order to strengthen instructional practices.
  5. Educators will examine their school districts teacher evaluation policy manual in order to develop an action plan to prepare for the teacher evaluation process.

Credit Hours

2 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Evaluating Teachers

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Giuseppe L. – NJ –

“As an Assistant Principal in the beginning stages of implementing PLC’s I found the book to be a useful resource. I hope that my work reflects the valid real life experiences I was able utilize in my position.“

Giuseppe L. – NJ –

“This is the third course I’ve completed through your program and again I will be able to incorporate what I have learned in my everyday experience.“

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.” – Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.” – Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me” – J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education” – M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…” – Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(2 Semester Graduate Credits)

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The Epidemic – Rot of American Culture

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will examine the moral decline of American culture, absentee or permissive parenting and the resulting plague of joyless, selfish children. Numerous social issues related to technology, media content, marriages, sexuality, values and family systems in the current culture are examined. The ramifications of these social issues on schools and students who bring those social behaviors into classroom settings are discussed. Recommendations for helping educators know what they can do to reach students in school settings are presented. Educators will research these issues and develop a written application essay, lesson/unit plan or project activity for school implementation.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Epidemic: Rot of American Culture: Absentee & Permissive Parenting

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will review the historical progression and decline of marriages and family system dysfunction and the impact they have on society, values and raising children.
  2. Participants will be presented with a model for teaching children to love and respect other people and numerous positive strategies to utilize when teaching children.
  3. Educators will examine early childhood education and the affects of day care on children and families as well as the social and economic issues families struggle with.
  4. Participants will review the impact of media violence, blatant sexuality and other negative social behaviors that the media presents and how to instill morality and values in an indifferent world.
  5. Educators will look at the issue of students growing up in an adult world of sex and violence without enjoying the innocence of childhood experiences and how that affects their development and ability to be successful in schools.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Epidemic: Rot of American Culture: Absentee & Permissive Parenting

What Others Are Saying About This Course

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Understanding the Dropout Dilemma:

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will examine the statistical, educational, and social issues associated with the school dropout dilemma. Statistical analyses of dropout rates and demographics will be presented. Statistical correlations between economic cycles and dropouts rates and social class relationships are analyzed. This course will focus on educator perspectives and experiences regarding these issues. Causes and reasons why students drop out of school will be examined and categorized. Teacher dropout interventions and prevention strategies will be examined. Alternative schools, dropout programs and social adjustments that address the dropout dilemma will also be presented.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Dropout Dilemma

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Students will have a working knowledge of the statistical magnitude and the social demographic characteristics related to the dropout issue at national, state and local levels.
  2. Educators read and review publishes articles on the dropout problem and view movie segments that examine dropout issues and the corresponding social issues.
  3. Students will learn to categorize and label the causes associated with dropping out of school into the various areas of social responsibility and authority.
  4. Participants will analyze the social and psychological dynamics involving family systems and the numerous issues that cause students to drop out of school.
  5. Teachers will develop dropout interventions, solutions and prevention strategies that can reduce the likelihood of students dropping out of school.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Dropout Dilemma

What Others Are Saying About This Course

David H. – TN –

“I’ve been working on the “Dropout Dilemma” and will probably finish it up tomorrow. Just want to say that I’ve enjoyed becoming acquainted with your viewpoints in “Understanding Hispanic Students” and the “Dropout Dilemma.” … it is refreshing to hear someone in education speak the truth without fear of offending the politically correct. Your observations and recommendations for improving education are spot-on. I can tell you have spent some time in the real-life classroom environment. Thanks for everything”

David H. – TN –

“Once again, I really enjoyed the course and got a lot out of it. Thanks.”

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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How To Deal With Difficult Parents

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course explores the dynamics of today’s difficult parents who may challenge schools or teachers. Analyzing the cause of combative parents such as poverty, affluence and family system dynamics help educators understand these parents. Ways of dealing with and communicating with difficult parents are presented. Strategies for teachers and school personnel to prevent conflict with parents and handling difficult situations are discussed. Presenting bad news to parents as well as increasing parent involvement is also addressed. Educators will research this issue and write an application essay or project activity that addresses difficult parents in schools

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Dealing with Difficult Parents

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will review the historical dynamics of today’s parent and their relationship to schools, how that has changed and how to handle parenting situations that may arise.
  2. Teachers will be presented with a variety of strategies to communication and cultivating relationships with parents as well as being proactive to avoid potential problems that may arise in difficult situations.
  3. Educators will examine ways of presenting bad news or other student deficiencies to parents in a manner that is none threatening and yet is consistent with school policy.
  4. Teachers will explore the curriculum's focus and how teachers, principal, students, and parents all contribute to the harmony of a positive school experience for students.
  5. Educators will then research this topic and parent involvement in monitoring student responsibilities such as homework as well as parent involvement in school activities.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Dealing with Difficult Parents

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Jane T. – IL –

“I learned a great deal in this class and appreciate it’s affordability.”                                    

Peter M. – NJ –

“Thank you for being so considerate and understanding. If you need anything else please let me know.“

Mary M. – WA –

“I have received all I need for now. Thank you so much for expediting these papers for me. I appreciate the quick response and will start work on the course at the end of our final school day today. I’m looking forward to learning more about this subject.“

Helen F. – VT –

“Dear Joseph, thanks for this information. It was a pleasure to complete the work! I have used the research paper a few times in school meetings. Thanks again for offering these services to teachers, especially those of us living in the hinterlands!”

Whitney D. – CA –

“Thank you for a wonderful experience. I cannot wait to take what I have learned and apply it to my new first grade teaching job. I know I will be able to use both classes to continue improving myself as an educator.“

Anne B. – OH –

“I found the course very interesting, and can’t wait to begin the paradigm with some of my high school students. Thank you.“

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues

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Coaching Success: for Educators

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will present coaching techniques and strategies to should be applied to schools and teaching. The content goes beyond the sports field and into the classroom and relationships to students. Concepts for coaching in the classroom that builds trusting relationships are presented. Other paradigms of coaching models used by motivational and self-improvement authors and speakers are offered for educator use and school applications. Educators will apply the concepts into schools settings by developing writings, lessons and classroom activities for instructional settings and schools.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Coaching for Success: A Teacher's Guide

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will learn how to bring the coaching spirit into the classroom and develop trust and relationships that go beyond the general standard instructional format.
  2. Teachers will review basic listening, feedback and questioning techniques. Paradigms of situational coaching will be presented for using intuition and a responsibility for results.
  3. Educators will be presented with clarifying life goals and school purposes along with visualization techniques so students can set specific goals and visualize outcomes.
  4. Students will be able to use the Law of Attraction to enhance their learning and school experience and preserver regardless of obstacles and setbacks to achieve academic goals.
  5. Teachers will develop writings, lessons and affirmations for classroom and student applications that make their students dreams possible as well as for educator success.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Coaching for Success: A Teacher's Guide

Coaching Success: for Educators

- 3 Credits - 3 Semester Credits(post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases)accredited nationwidestart any timeup to 5 months to completeindependent studyall course materials included with course tuitionview FAQCourse DescriptionThis course will present coaching techniques and strategies to should be applied to schools and teaching. The content goes beyond the sports field and into the classroom and relationships to students. Concepts for coaching in the classroom that builds trusting relationships are presented. Other paradigms of coaching models used by motivational and self-improvement authors and speakers are offered for educator use and school applications. Educators will apply the concepts into schools settings by

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Classrooms and Character Education

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will present the obvious case for teaching values and character in schools and review general values and character education programs. Teachers are reminded of their responsibility as a role model, mentor and moral disciplinarian. Educators are encouraged to teach VC throughout the curriculum in their particular subject area. Strategies for teaching controversial issues regarding values and character in schools as well as social applications are presented. Educators will develop writings, lessons and activities that can be utilized in classroom and school environments.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Character Education in Our Schools

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will review the case for teaching values and character (VC) in schools as well as the why? and what concepts should be taught.
  2. Teachers will review what values and good character are and strategies on how to teach respect and responsibility as a roll model, caregiver and mentor.
  3. Educators will be presented with strategies to present Moral Discipline in a democratic classroom community and school environment.
  4. Students will learn to be able to teach values through the curriculum in a cooperative learning structure as well as how to teach controversial issues in schools.
  5. Teachers will develop writings, lessons or activities for implementing values and character education concepts for classroom and school implementation.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Character Education in Our Schools

Classrooms and Character Education

- 3 Credits -  3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases) accredited nationwide start any time up to 5 months to complete independent study all course materials included with course tuition view FAQ Course Description This course will present the obvious case for teaching values and character in schools and review general values and character education programs. Teachers are reminded of their responsibility as a role model, mentor and moral disciplinarian. Educators are encouraged to teach VC throughout the curriculum in their particular subject area. Strategies for teaching controversial issues regarding values and character in schools as well

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Essential Elements of Career Counseling

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will examine the realities, theories and job market trends involved in career counseling. Educators will review the context of the human relationships involved when choosing various career options. Student/Client concerns and problems that are related to knowing "thy-self" when exploring career possibilities are explored. Counselors will learn about the latest career centers and technologies for researching career demographics. Educators will develop writings, action plans or activities that assist students with career searches and evaluating the process for use in counseling settings.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Career Counseling: Essential Elements

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will examine the myths and realities of career counseling as well as the latest theories and technological developments in career counseling.
  2. Teachers will review the context of career planning and the relationships involved within the various disciplines and the associated responsibilities.
  3. Counselors will be presented with strategies for defining and addressing student concerns, decisions and the problems they will encounter in self-understanding.
  4. Students will be able to use career counseling websites to access trends in labor markets and get guidance for making a virtual career center at their school.
  5. Teachers will develop writings that use action plans, career planning, consolidating career decisions and evaluating student progress in counseling settings.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Career Counseling: Essential Elements

Essential Elements of Career Counseling

- 3 Credits - 3 Semester Credits(post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases)accredited nationwidestart any timeup to 5 months to completeindependent studyall course materials included with course tuitionview FAQCourse DescriptionThis course will examine the realities, theories and job market trends involved in career counseling. Educators will review the context of the human relationships involved when choosing various career options. Student/Client concerns and problems that are related to knowing "thy-self" when exploring career possibilities are explored. Counselors will learn about the latest career centers and technologies for researching career demographics. Educators will develop writings, action plans or activities that assist students with career

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues

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Beyond Positive Teaching: for Educators

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will present writing techniques and self-talk language that goes beyond the superficial educational phrases or cliché's used in schools. Instead of "self-esteemology", it presents the concept of right thinking and the truth about who we really are. Teachers will learn to write and use positive affirmations that are meaningful as well effective in shaping human behavior. They will also be exposed to new ways of thinking regarding the miss-programming of our minds and how the brain works. Educators will apply the concepts into schools settings by developing writings, lessons and classroom activities.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Positive Thinking and Behavior for Today's Schools

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will learn how to go beyond positive thinking to develop right thinking and to realize the power and potential truth about ourselves that we possess.
  2. Teachers will examine myths and misinformation about superficial positive thinking and show how to take self-talk affirmations to a higher and more effective level.
  3. Educators will be presented with writing samples and techniques for developing effective positive affirmations and self talk for writing assignments and classroom use.
  4. Students will be able to use quality positive affirmations to improve their instructional delivery and writing as well as student empowerment and personal success.
  5. Teachers will develop writings, lessons and affirmations for classroom and student applications as well as for their own personal effectiveness.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Positive Thinking and Behavior for Today's Schools

Beyond Positive Teaching: for Educators

- 3 Credits -  3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases) accredited nationwide start any time up to 5 months to complete independent study all course materials included with course tuition view FAQ Course Description This course will present writing techniques and self-talk language that goes beyond the superficial educational phrases or cliché's used in schools. Instead of "self-esteemology", it presents the concept of right thinking and the truth about who we really are. Teachers will learn to write and use positive affirmations that are meaningful as well effective in shaping human behavior. They will also be exposed

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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